New Moon Astrology Chart Analysis

Joshua Blatman
4 min readMay 15, 2021

New Moon Chart for Tuesday, May 11, 2021

There are always many unique aspects to every astrology chart. I’ll dive right in.

This is a fairly well-distributed bowl shape pattern that’s enclosed between Pluto and Mars. This represents a broader container of patterns at play that highlight the dichotomy of personal power and collective control.

On one end, intuitive individual sensitivities are heightened by individual effort, and on the other, authority is being reframed for collective transformation.

KEYNOTE: A constructive alternation of activity and rest.

The Sabian Symbol for the midpoint of the bowl pattern calls for a rhythmic style of living. The midpoint of any bowl represents the point at which the bowl’s power is concentrated and focused.

This instructs attention towards being at flow rather than grasping for control, which requires stability in fluid intelligence, as flow does what flow does.

An old man who’s a relatively new friend knew the late famous astrologer, Jeff Greene, and my old man friend said Jeff used to describe attention as, “alert and making no effort.”

What a great opportunity to for cosmic consciousness to support our effortlessly divining our realities by recognizing our co-creative capacities.

The midpoint is but only a a focal point to help us ‘hold it all together.’ The main event is…

The New Moon

The sun/moon conjunction, an astrological event called a new moon, occurs in the 22nd degree of Taurus. This monthly conjunction always occurs somewhere on the chart, refracting through infinite layers of space that emanate from behind it.

The Sabian symbol for the 22nd degree of Taurus reads:


KEYNOTE: The spiritual inspiration that comes to the individual in the overcoming of crisis.

  • ** Sabian symbols exist for all 360 degrees of consciousness and have a symbolic structure that mirrors the consciousness that emanates from the heart of the sun.

This symbol’s placement within the structure and hierarchy of the sacred geometry that actually governs how the planets move and ultimately how space and its elements stay in dynamic tension with each other suggests the contrast to the preceding symbol that a 2nd degree stage symbol demonstrates makes this ‘white dove flying over troubled waters’ really about contrast to a state of “subservience to collective values.”

‘A white dove flying over troubled waters’ carries notes of innocence, trust in the forces of nature, overcoming, and inherent awareness of…

An Enlightened Natural Quality

Taurus energies cradle the light that swallows the moon before shining on the earth and all of its inhabitants. The association of Taurus with Venus through rulership strengthens its connection to the principle of value. Additionally, with Taurus being traditionally known as a fixed-earth sign, it’s powers are enduring and natural.

My teacher, who also worked with Jeff Greene and Dane Rudhyar taught me that another way to say “fixed” is “concentrative”.

The presence of Uranus in Taurus with the sun/moon emphasizes the new awarenesses being generated. The sun/moon conjunction’s relationship to Uranus further indicates new potential.

Opportunity for discontinuous, rapid action is rooted in visions that are starting to come together as…

A Divine Quality

… which will capture imaginations for a few months as Jupiter transits into Pisces before retrograding back into Aquarius until the end of the year.

Jupiter works very nicely with Neptune which has the added impact of being in its most comfortable sign.

But Neptune can’t help but reveal the nature of one’s intentions in the “pensieve” of its transformational depths that result in either disillusionment or metamorphosis. As Jupiter enters into Pisces in the next few weeks and approaches Neptune, there may be more outdated outcomes to let go of so that more organic processes for managing expansion can be introduced.

A Jupiter-Neptune conjunction happens roughly every 14 years. The last between Jupiter and Neptune was in 2009 and the next will be in 2047–2048. In 2009, personalized social media devices really started to dominate.

Individual capacity is greater than ever before via the power of handheld devices. We are co-creators, now more than ever, in what unfolds.

A fundamental creative principle says that, “that which gets focus grows,” and with the sun/moon conjunction in relationship to Jupiter, which is moving towards alignment with Neptune, this is a time to provide attention on being in the heart of the moment.

… In the heart of the moment, letting the light of the Uranian quickening inform a sense of flow within a greater process.

Happy New Moon,

Joshua Blatman
— Original singer-songwriter music streaming online everywhere



Joshua Blatman

From Damn Near Dead (TBI-coma-PTSD) to teacher, astrologer, musician, writer, healer, psychonaut; lightworker. Writing to raise your consciousness.